Two stories that I’ve read recently, I hope, will be a big wake-up call to liberals who have no reservations about the unprecedented flow of Muslim migrants to the West.
The first is from Gay Star News:
It’s believed as many as 50,000 LGBTI refugees will arrive in Germany by the end of this year.
Despite coming from countries where they can be imprisoned and killed for being gay, they are not classed as vulnerable when they arrive (unlike women, handicapped people and children).
The result, recently coming to light, is intolerance and violence within some refugee centres.
An advocacy group in Germany, Rainbow Refugees, says housing LGBTI people with other refugees has led to verbal and physical abuse in its centers.
‘LGBT refugees often live together in refugee housing facilities with exactly the people they are attempting to flee. These are their countrymen, who might despise LGBT people and even become violent against them,’ it said.
And in Sweden, we see the fruits of that country’s generosity to those who use it to kill their host’s citizens:
TWO migrants have been charged after allegedly beating a gay man to death before dressing him in women’s clothing and wrapping a snake around his neck.
The alleged attackers are 16-year-old and 19-year-old refugees from Morocco, where homosexuality is illegal.
They are accused of attacking the man in Sweden over his sexuality after he offered to give them clothes and food.
The two migrants then allegedly went back to the gay man’s apartment where they claim he tried to have sex with them.
But police found a video on the 16-year-old’s phone showing the victim beaten up and bound on the apartment’s floor.
The teenager can be heard abusing the man over his sexuality in the clip, according to police.
I have to make the following clear:
Donald Trump’s plan for Muslims is absolutely deplorable. Not all migrants are like this.
But obviously, enough are that there is a serious problem. There is a serious problem with Islam’s treatment of LGBT people, and the more migrants from the Middle East enter the West, the more dangerous things will be for them. Migrants need to be screened for attitudes like this, not just for attitudes towards terrorism. There is no way for me to express that more gently or euphemistically while still being accurate.